Jay Cross is the Johnny Appleseed of informal learning. The Internet Time Alliance, which he chairs, helps corporations and governments use networks to accelerate performance.
Jay has challenged conventional wisdom about how adults learn since designing the first business degree program offered by the University of Phoenix. A champion of informal learning and systems thinking, Jay's calling is to help people improve their performance on the job and satisfaction in life. He was the first person to use the term eLearning on the web. He literally wrote the book on Informal Learning. He is also co-author of Implementing eLearning and The Working Smarter Fieldbook. His philosophies on the power of informal learning and net-work have fundamentally changed the world of learning in organizations.
He is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Business School. Jay and his wife Uta live with their miniature longhaired dachshund in the hills of Berkeley, California.
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Jay Cross is a champion of informal learning and systems thinking. His calling is to help business people improve their performance on the job and satisfaction in life.
Jay is CEO and Chief Unlearning Officer of the Internet Time Alliance, a brain trust of six thought leaders who help companies boost their collective intelligence and profitability through networks.
Jay is a change agent, futurist, speaker, and author whose insights and stories will expand your perspective and enliven your meetings. He distills lessons from cognitive science, social networking, business strategy, futures research, and psychology to boost sales, improve customer service, and spark innovation.
Jay frequently leads workshops and webinars to help corporate teams work smarter. His speaking style is vibrant, energetic, and compelling. Mixing case studies, stories, and actionable recommendations with humor and easy-to-understand language, Jay inspires action.
A Harvard MBA and Princeton undergrad, he has been improving business processes since developing the first business curriculum for the University of Phoenix three decades ago. He is the Johnny Appleseed of informal learning.
Jay covers topics from 50,000 feet to ground level, depending on audience and need. He has spoken with executives, sales managers, entrepreneurs, chief learning officers, sales staff, instructional designers, HR directors, bankers, and academics. He has keynoted conferences the U.S., Canada, Austria, U.K., Germany, Australia, Portugal, Belgium, Monaco, and Abu Dhabi. He travels the world, but increasingly delivers presentations and events virtully over the web.
Jay is the author of Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways that Inspire Innovation and Performance, The Working Smarter Fieldbook, and Implementing eLearning. Thousands of people read his articles and two blogs, Internet Time and Informal Learning. He has helped Cisco, CIGNA, Eaton, IBM, Service College Canada, Sun, National Australia Bank, Intel, Raytheon, Genentech, Novartis, HP, the CIA, Citibank, Chase, and others slash time-to-performance.
Jay and his wife Uta live with their miniature long-haired dachshund in the hills of Berkeley, California.

Get in touch to explore whether I can help you with something.
Advice by phone or Skype
Just need some quick virtual advice, brainstorming approaches, elaboration of a case study from the book, or personal explanations of learnscape issues? Maybe join a meeting virtually. Let’s talk on the phone or on Skype. Typical fee is $750/hour with a two-hour minimum.
A day with Jay
Sometimes just spending time together, reflecting on critical issues, reviewing organizational readiness, exploring your learnscape, and brainstorming learning strategies is sufficient to get you going. Split the day into four-hour chunks if you like. Typical fee $7,500 for first day, $6,000 per day thereafter.
A day at Internet Time Lab
Come to Berkeley for strategic planning, exploring ideas, and innovation among the redwoods. Individuals or small groups. White boards and nature, brought together to foster great thinking. Typical fee $5,000 per day.
Public presentation
We speak at conferences, trade shows, user group meetings, and educational sessions around the globe. Fees for onsite presentations start at $6,000. We also deliver online presentations and Q&A sessions for in-house groups, executive retreats, and sales meetings.
Sometimes it’s useful to hold your organization up to a mirror to gather ammunition to convince others of the need for change. We prepare questionnaires, conduct surveys by email (anonymous or open), provide detailed reports of findings, and provide interpretation. Fees for a twenty-item survey, including all administration, reporting, and interpretation, start at $3,000.
If you're looking for free advice, please read this first.

A typical engagement starts like this: Someone in the organization will have read our work and spotted an opportunity to give it a try in-house. In rapid succession over the course of a month, we walk through these steps together:
- exploratory telephone conversation to talk over what you want to accomplish
- conference call with members of project team to set direction
- online organizational or unit survey of practices and attitudes
- review findings, determine approach, and plan visit
- select one or two dozen internal change agents to work with
- webinar to explain working smarter approach
- onsite workshop to generate enthusiasm for informal learning
- corporate license to Working Smarter tools and reference
- action plan for informal learning experiments going forward
- change agents do internal selling to establish beachheads
- implement online social learning community
- conduct prototype Working Smarter projects
- assess results of prototypes and plan future
Fees for a bundle of activities like this, including a workshop for your team, start at $15,000 plus expenses.
Don't hold me to these. Everything here is market price. We are out to change the world, and if your project furthers the cause, you may get us pro bono. Our fees always depend on the situation and how much value we can add. We offer a heavy discount for work in places Jay enjoys, e.g. Lago di Como, Paris…
Jay talks about unblended learning, emergence, grokking, envisioning, unconferencing, connecting, conversation, community, web2.0 and JDI (just do it). He makes the point that classes are dead, that every learner needs to cultivate an ecology, share via voicing, communicate using stories and build common text by collaborative editing (wikis).
Denham Gray
Jay provides an important challenge for us all - to move our focus from the classroom to the workplace, and, in doing so, reframe what we do in ways that much more closely reflect how people actually learn and perform on the job.
Marc Rosenberg
Jay is one of the most courageous personalities I've ever encountered, especially in a field where self-interested cowardice is pretty much the rule. His clarity of vision on all things relating to learning in the corporate world is only matched by his commitment to helping others make it work. He cuts through nonsense with incredible speed and precision. Is Jay a revolutionary? Only in his long-term vision. For the rest his focus is on the nuts and bolts of human relations, which is what transfer and development of knowledge is all about.
Peter Isackson
Jay is an evangelist of the intelligent application of new learning methods and tools, and he helps organizations improve the performance of their people by speeding up their learning. Jay is also an absolutely great presenter, a good writer, and a sharp mind to work with.
Robin Good
Take a mega-high IQ, some Berkeley attitude, a dose of e-learning curiosity and you get Jay Cross. For opinion and analysis, nothing is as interesting or fun as Jay's blog.
Kevin Kruse
Jay Cross, among just a few others, gives me the impetus to keep on moving ahead into uncharted territory.
Michael Hotrum
You have been a tremendous help shaping our vision for the future of Learning at Intel. I was amazed at the way you engaged with us, brainstormed with us, and then created a presentation within hours, to reflect back our current and future situations. Your individual consultations and idea swap-meets get the creative brainstorming going and have helped us dream big and think beyond the norm. I love that you are able to peel away the layers of “business as usual” to see what’s really been happening all along. Even more than that, you’ve been able to consult with our learning leaders and articulate the true value of our shifting landscape (or learnscape!). As we put a plan in place for next year, it’s been a big help to look back on our time with you and identify some of our critical next steps.
Allison Anderson
Hi there Jay, I feel compelled to put fingers to keyboard as I'm up to Chapter 6 of Informal Learning and am absolutely bowled over by your work. I'm heading up a newly formed Learning Solutions team and we are keen to tranform ourselves from the formal to informal 'space'. You have articulated so beautifully what we are trying to achieve, but have struggled to put into words. I feel totally inspired to make this live and breathe in our organisation and am fortunate enough to work with a group of people who I know can make this work. Thank you so much - your insight arrived at just the right time.
The key to the 21st Century will be in learning how to leverage informal learning for us all. Jay provides us an evocative roadmap to how we can do this.
John Seely Brown

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