
Bolles, Richard Nelson 2005.

Bolles, Richard Nelson 2005. What Color Is Your Parachute 2006



Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi. 2204. Good Business.



De Bono, Edward. 1986. De Bono’s Thinking Course



Bronson, Po. 2002. What Should I Do With My Life?



Dalai Lama. 2003. The Art of Happiness at Work



Goleman, Daniel. 1995. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ



Goleman, Daniel. 2000. Working with Emotional Intelligence



Goleman, Daniel. 2001. The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace



Goleman, Daniel. 2002. Primal Leadership



Hallowell, Edward & Ratey, John . 2005. Delivered from Distraction



Hartmann, Thom. 1993. Attention Deficit Disorder, A Different Perception



Keirsey, David. 1998. Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence



Langer, Ellen. 2005. On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity



Leonard, George. 1992. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-term Fulfillment



Leonard, George and Murphy, Michael. 1995. The Life We Are Given



Madson, Patricia Ryan. 2005. Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up



Stafford & Weiss. 2005. Mind Hacks



Sarnoff, Dorothy. 1989. Never Be Nervous Again



Stott, Bill. 1991. Write to the Point



Warshawsky, Jon; Hardaway, Chelsea & Fugere, Brian. 2005. Why Business People Speak like Idiots



Zinsser, William. 1986. On Writing Well. Collins



Zinsser, William. 1993. Writing to Learn. Collins






Aldrich, Clark. 2003. Simulations and the Future of Learning


Allen, Michael. 2002. Michael Allen’s Guide to eLearning


Bransford, et alia. 2000. How People Learn


Bonk, Curt & Graham, Charles. 2005. The Handbook of Blended Learning


Carliner, Saul and Driscoll, Margaret. 2005. Advanced Web-based Training Strategies


Cross, J. & Dublin, L. 2002 Implementing eLearning


Gee, James Paul. 2004. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy


Horton, Bill. 2000. Designing Web-Based Training: How to Teach Anyone Anything Anywhere Anytime.


Kaniger, Robert. 1999. The One Best Way : Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency


Knowles, Malcolm. 1973. The Adult Learner, A Neglected Species. Gulf


Koster, Ralph. 2004. A Theory of Fun


Masie, Elliott, ed.. 2005. Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections


O'Driscoll, Tony. 1999. Achieving Desired Business Performance


Prensky, Marc. 2004. Digital Game-based Learning


Pryor, Karen. 1999. Don't Shoot the Dog! The New Art of Teaching and Training


Rosenberg, Marc. 2005. Beyond eLearning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance


Rosenberg, Marc. 2000. eLearning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age


Rossett, Allison. 2001. Beyond the Podium: Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World


Senge, Peter el alia. 2000. Schools That Learn


Tobin, Daniel. 2000. All Learning is Self-Directed


Vaill, Peter. 1996. Learning as a Way of Being: Strategies for Survival in a World of Permanent White Water





Alexander, Christopher 1979.The Timeless Way of Building


Conner, Marcia & Clawson, Jim. 2004. Creating a Learning Culture


Cooperider, David. 1998. The Appreciative Inquiry Thin Book


Crowe, Sylvia. 1994. Garden Design


Illich, Ivan. 1999. Deschooling Society


Langer, Ellen. 1990, Mindfulness


Senge, Peter el alia. 1994. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization.


Peters, Tom & Waterman, Robert. 1982. In Search of Excellence


Seligman, Martin. 2002. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment


Watts, Alan. 1968. The Wisdom of Insecurity.


Wheatly, Margaret & Kellner-Roberts. Myron. 1996. A Simpler Way






Adams, John. 1999. Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered


Davis, Edward. 2005. Lessons for Tomorrow


Norris, Don, et alia. 2003. Transforming eKnowledge: A Revolution in the Sharing of Knowledge


Russell, Thomas. 1999. The No Significance Difference Phenomenon: A Comparative Research Annotated Bibliography on Technology for Distance Education


Schank, Roger. 2005. Lessons in Learning, eLearning, and Training: Perspectives and Guidance for the Enlightened Trainer





Barabasi, Alberto-Laszlo. 2003. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means


Dawson, Ross. 2002. Living Networks


Figallo, Cliff and Rhine, Nancy. 2002. Building the Knowledge Management Network


Kaye, Doug. 2003. Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces of Web Services


Lesser, Eric and Prusak, Larry. 2003. Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value


Malone, Tom. 2004. The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style and Your Life


Mitchell, William. 1996. City of Bits.


Schrage, Michael. 1999 Serious Play


Tapscott, Don. 2000. Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.


Tapscott, Don. 1997. The Digital Economy: Power and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence


Tapscott, Don. 1999. Blueprint for the Digital Economy: Creating Wealth in the Era of e-Business


Watts, Duncan. 2003. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age


Weinberger, David. 2002. Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web.





Kleiner, Art. 1996. The Age of Heretics: Heroes, Outlaws, and the Forerunners of Corporate Change


MacKenzie, Gordon. 1998. Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace


Multiple authors. 1995. Learning Organizations: Developing Cultures for Tomorrow's Workplace


Rummler, Geary and Brache, Alan. 1995. Improving Performance, How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart.


Wenger, Etienne; McDermott, Richard; and Snyder, Wiliam M. Snyder. 2002. Cultivating Communities of Practice


Zuboff, Shoshana & Maxmin, James. 2002. The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and The Next Episode of Capitalism.





Brown, John Seely & Hagel, John. 2005. The Only Sustainable Advantage.


Friedman, Tom. 2005. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century


Garreau, Joel. 2005. Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What It Means to Be Human


Horore, Carl. 2004. In Praise of Slowness: How A Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed


Jonsson, Bodil. 2001. Unwinding the Clock: Ten Thoughts on Our Relationship to Time


Kurzweil, Ray. 2005. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology





Ayre, Richard. 1999. Spiritual Serendipity


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1991. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


Gardner, Howard 2004. Changing Minds. Harvard Business School Press


Gazzaniga, Michael. 2000. The Mind's Past


Gladwell, Malcolm. 2004. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking


Langer, Ellen. 1998. The Power of Mindful Learning


Seligman, Martin. 1995 What You Can Change and What You Can't


Seligman, Martin. 1991. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life



Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi. 2204. Good Business.


De Bono, Edward. 1986. De Bono’s Thinking Course


Bronson, Po. 2002. What Should I Do With My Life? Dalai Lama. 2003. The Art of Happiness at Work


Goleman, Daniel. 1995. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ


Goleman, Daniel. 2000. Working with Emotional Intelligence


Goleman, Daniel. 2001. The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace: How to Select For, Measure, and Improve Emotional Intelligence in Individuals, Groups, and Organizations


Goleman, Daniel. 2002. Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence


Hallowell, Edward & Ratey, John . 2005. Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder


Hartmann, Thom. 1993. Attention Deficit Disorder, A Different Perception


Keirsey, David. 1998. Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence


Mehrabian, Albert. 1972. Nonverbal Communication


Langer, Ellen. 2005. On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity


Leonard, George. 1992. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-term Fulfillment


Leonard, George and Murphy, Michael. 1995. The Life We Are Given


Madson, Patricia Ryan. 2005. Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up


Stafford & Weiss. 2005. Mind Hacks


Sarnoff, Dorothy. 1989. Never Be Nervous Again


Stott, Bill. 1991. Write to the Point


Warshawsky, Jon; Hardaway, Chelsea & Fugere, Brian. 2005. Why Business People Speak like Idiots


Zinsser, William. 1986. On Writing Well. Collins


Zinsser, William. 1993. Writing to Learn. Collins






Aldrich, Clark. 2003. Simulations and the Future of Learning


Allen, Michael. 2002. Michael Allen’s Guide to eLearning


Bransford, et alia. 2000. How People Learn


Bonk, Curt & Graham, Charles. 2005. The Handbook of Blended Learning


Carliner, Saul and Driscoll, Margaret. 2005. Advanced Web-based Training Strategies


Cross, J. & Dublin, L. 2002 Implementing eLearning


Gee, James Paul. 2004. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy


Horton, Bill. 2000. Designing Web-Based Training: How to Teach Anyone Anything Anywhere Anytime.


Kaniger, Robert. 1999. The One Best Way : Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency


Knowles, Malcolm. 1973. The Adult Learner, A Neglected Species. Gulf


Koster, Ralph. 2004. A Theory of Fun


Masie, Elliott, ed.. 2005. Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections


O'Driscoll, Tony. 1999. Achieving Desired Business Performance


Prensky, Marc. 2004. Digital Game-based Learning


Pryor, Karen. 1999. Don't Shoot the Dog! The New Art of Teaching and Training


Rosenberg, Marc. 2005. Beyond eLearning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance


Rosenberg, Marc. 2000. eLearning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age


Rossett, Allison. 2001. Beyond the Podium: Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World


Senge, Peter el alia. 2000. Schools That Learn


Tobin, Daniel. 2000. All Learning is Self-Directed


Vaill, Peter. 1996. Learning as a Way of Being: Strategies for Survival in a World of Permanent White Water





Alexander, Christopher 1979.The Timeless Way of Building


Conner, Marcia & Clawson, Jim. 2004. Creating a Learning Culture


Cooperider, David. 1998. The Appreciative Inquiry Thin Book


Crowe, Sylvia. 1994. Garden Design


Illich, Ivan. 1999. Deschooling Society


Langer, Ellen. 1990, Mindfulness


Senge, Peter el alia. 1994. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization.


Peters, Tom & Waterman, Robert. 1982. In Search of Excellence


Seligman, Martin. 2002. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment


Watts, Alan. 1968. The Wisdom of Insecurity.


Wheatly, Margaret & Kellner-Roberts. Myron. 1996. A Simpler Way






Adams, John. 1999. Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered


Davis, Edward. 2005. Lessons for Tomorrow


Norris, Don, et alia. 2003. Transforming eKnowledge: A Revolution in the Sharing of Knowledge


Russell, Thomas. 1999. The No Significance Difference Phenomenon: A Comparative Research Annotated Bibliography on Technology for Distance Education


Schank, Roger. 2005. Lessons in Learning, eLearning, and Training: Perspectives and Guidance for the Enlightened Trainer





Barabasi, Alberto-Laszlo. 2003. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means


Dawson, Ross. 2002. Living Networks


Figallo, Cliff and Rhine, Nancy. 2002. Building the Knowledge Management Network


Kaye, Doug. 2003. Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces of Web Services


Lesser, Eric and Prusak, Larry. 2003. Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value


Malone, Tom. 2004. The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style and Your Life


Mitchell, William. 1996. City of Bits.


Schrage, Michael. 1999 Serious Play


Tapscott, Don. 2000. Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.


Tapscott, Don. 1997. The Digital Economy: Power and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence


Tapscott, Don. 1999. Blueprint for the Digital Economy: Creating Wealth in the Era of e-Business


Watts, Duncan. 2003. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age


Weinberger, David. 2002. Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web.





Kleiner, Art. 1996. The Age of Heretics: Heroes, Outlaws, and the Forerunners of Corporate Change


MacKenzie, Gordon. 1998. Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace


Multiple authors. 1995. Learning Organizations: Developing Cultures for Tomorrow's Workplace


Rummler, Geary and Brache, Alan. 1995. Improving Performance, How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart.


Wenger, Etienne; McDermott, Richard; and Snyder, Wiliam M. Snyder. 2002. Cultivating Communities of Practice


Zuboff, Shoshana & Maxmin, James. 2002. The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and The Next Episode of Capitalism.





Brown, John Seely & Hagel, John. 2005. The Only Sustainable Advantage.


Friedman, Tom. 2005. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century


Garreau, Joel. 2005. Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What It Means to Be Human


Horore, Carl. 2004. In Praise of Slowness: How A Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed


Jonsson, Bodil. 2001. Unwinding the Clock: Ten Thoughts on Our Relationship to Time


Kurzweil, Ray. 2005. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology





Ayre, Richard. 1999. Spiritual Serendipity


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1991. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


Gardner, Howard 2004. Changing Minds. Harvard Business School Press


Gazzaniga, Michael. 2000. The Mind's Past


Gladwell, Malcolm. 2004. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking


Langer, Ellen. 1998. The Power of Mindful Learning


Seligman, Martin. 1995 What You Can Change and What You Can't


Seligman, Martin. 1991. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life